2020-03-12 - Dead Famous

Dead Famous

March 12, 2020 - News Post

With the world in the grip of a pandemic, please try to stay safe, healthy, and unfamous

That goes for nearly all of you.


Like many of you, I'm trying to limit my time in public for the foreseeable future. It's just like normal, but now I have an excuse.

Somehow, this means more work for me on the computer. I love relaxing, but I've never had much trouble filling every waking moment with work.

Because it's easy to get carried away with responsibilities, I often try to simultaneously get some distractions in.

Sometimes, this is music. Occasionally, this is an audiobook or podcast. And if I'm truly doing something does doesn't require concentration: It's videos.

My favorite form of background noise is watching tv and/or YouTube videos that I've seen a dozen times. I will watch the same few episodes over and over for hours. This puts me in a specific frame of mind without forcing me to pay attention.

This week, it's been entertainment from the early Dr. Lobster era:

I couldn't tell you which episodes. I couldn't even narrow down the seasons. But as far as background noise is concerned, I've reached perfection.

Absolute perfection.

I also look good while watching.
